Menu ARR&D

Menu AR: Transforming Dining Decisions with Augmented Reality

Our R&D program proudly presents Menu AR, a cutting-edge solution designed to revolutionise how you interact with restaurant and bar menus. Using augmented reality, Menu AR offers a unique and immersive way to visualise dishes and drinks before placing your order, ensuring an informed and satisfying dining experience.

Visualising Portion Sizes

One of the key features of Menu AR is its ability to display realistic 3D models of menu items, allowing you to see the actual portion sizes. This visual aid helps manage expectations and ensures you order just the right amount of food, enhancing your dining satisfaction and reducing food wastage.

Showcasing Cocktails

With Menu AR, choosing a cocktail becomes an exciting visual experience. Before making your selection, you can view lifelike representations of drinks, complete with garnishes and glassware. This feature not only helps you decide what to order but also adds an element of fun and anticipation to the process.

Aiding the Decision Process

Menu AR provides detailed descriptions and nutritional information for each item, helping you make healthier and more informed choices. By seeing exactly what you’re ordering, you can better match your preferences and dietary needs, making the entire dining experience more enjoyable and personalised.

Reducing Food Envy

Say goodbye to food envy with Menu AR. By allowing everyone at the table to see what their dishes will look like before ordering, this solution ensures that all diners are satisfied with their choices, preventing the common regret of wishing you had ordered what someone else did.

Interactive and User-Friendly

Our user-friendly interface makes Menu AR easy to navigate. Simply scan the menu with your iOS or Android device, and watch as the items come to life on your screen. The interactive elements are designed to be intuitive, providing a seamless experience for users of all ages.

Supporting Restaurants and Bars

Menu AR also offers significant benefits for restaurant and bar owners. By showcasing their offerings in an engaging and modern way, establishments can enhance customer satisfaction, increase order accuracy, and potentially boost sales. This innovative approach sets them apart in a competitive market, attracting more customers and encouraging repeat visits.

Future Enhancements

We are continuously working on expanding the features of Menu AR. Future updates may include interactive elements such as customer reviews, chef’s recommendations, and pairing suggestions, further enriching the dining experience.

Experience the Future of Dining

Transform your dining experience with Menu AR. Whether you are deciding on a hearty meal or a refreshing cocktail, our AR solution provides all the visual and informational support you need to make the best choice. Discover how Menu AR can enhance your dining moments by visiting our demonstration page or contacting us for more details.