Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy

1.0 Introduction

Appoly Ltd is committed to preventing modern slavery and human trafficking in its business activities and ensuring that its supply chains are free from such practices. We take our responsibilities under the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 seriously and are dedicated to upholding the highest ethical standards in our operations.

2.0 Our Business

Appoly Ltd is a software development agency that provides bespoke web and mobile application solutions. We operate primarily within the UK, with a commitment to ethical practices across all areas of our business.

3.0 Our Commitment

We recognise that modern slavery and human trafficking are global issues that can affect businesses in all sectors. Appoly Ltd is committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business dealings and relationships. We will ensure that modern slavery is not taking place anywhere within our organisation or in any of our supply chains.

Our key commitments include:

  • Ensuring that all employees are aware of their rights and that no forced or compulsory labour is employed in our business.
  • Working closely with our suppliers to ensure their commitment to ethical labour practices.
  • Ensuring that all employees are treated fairly and with respect, with proper wages and working conditions.

4.0 Supply Chains

Appoly Ltd works with a range of suppliers to support our services. We aim to build long-term, collaborative relationships with our suppliers based on shared values and ethical business practices. We expect all our suppliers to comply with the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and ensure that no part of their business operations involves modern slavery or human trafficking.

We conduct risk assessments on our supply chains and reserve the right to conduct audits or request evidence from suppliers to ensure compliance with our ethical standards. If a supplier is found to be in breach of the Modern Slavery Act or our own ethical expectations, we will take appropriate action, which may include terminating the relationship.

5.0 Policies and Procedures

Appoly Ltd has the following policies and procedures in place to support our commitment to preventing modern slavery:

  • Employee Code of Conduct: This ensures that all employees are treated fairly and with respect. All employment with Appoly is voluntary, and we operate in full compliance with UK labour laws.
  • Supplier Code of Conduct: We expect our suppliers to adhere to the highest standards of ethical behaviour and will ensure that they comply with all applicable laws, including those related to modern slavery and human trafficking.
  • Whistleblowing Policy: We encourage employees and suppliers to report any concerns related to modern slavery or human trafficking within our business or supply chains.

6.0 Training

To ensure a high level of understanding of the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking in our supply chains and our business, we provide relevant training to our employees. This training includes:

  • Understanding the signs of modern slavery and human trafficking.
  • Knowing how to report suspected issues within the company or its supply chains.

We also expect our suppliers to provide training and resources to their employees to prevent modern slavery in their own operations.

7.0 Reporting Concerns

Appoly Ltd encourages anyone with concerns related to modern slavery or human trafficking within our business or supply chains to report them immediately. Reports can be made in confidence through our whistleblowing policy or directly to senior management.

8.0 Monitoring and Review

Appoly Ltd will monitor the effectiveness of the measures outlined in this policy. We are committed to regularly reviewing and updating our Modern Slavery Policy to ensure its ongoing suitability and effectiveness. This policy will be reviewed annually and updated as necessary.

Date of last review: October 2024