Mobile App Ideas During the COVID-19 PandemicBlog

Has your business lost money through your physical store? Now is the perfect time to go digital and create an online presence for your company. Mobile apps have the ability to provide revenue for the business during these unprecedented times. Start-up businesses often come up with great ideas for mobile applications, which can benefit their users’ experience. They can benefit from situations like the COVID-19 pandemic and develop mobile applications that will benefit their target market. In this article we will be going through some app development ideas that are perfect for situations like we find ourselves in.

Ecommerce Apps

Throughout 2020, ecommerce has been a commonly referenced term by many businesses, allowing people to access their favourite shops and restaurants without having to travel to the physical store. Although, ecommerce captured consumers before the pandemic hit back in March of this year. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to slow down business processes and force establishments to shut their doors, it’s crucial that you have an online presence to increase accessibility and visibility for your customers. The increased demand for essential items has resulted in online apps proving extremely valuable for individuals in lockdown or isolation and cannot go to the supermarkets. Through the pandemic, food delivery has become more and more popular, with many people reluctant to travel to their favourite restaurant because of the health risks involved. Shopping apps have also seen an influx in popularity as apps like Amazon & ASOS are experiencing record levels of traffic, engagement and sales.

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Dieting Applications

A healthy balanced diet can help boost your immune system and fight disease. This is why keeping a healthy diet plan during the COVID-19 pandemic is important for you to remain healthy. Also, it’s difficult to exercise currently as gyms and leisure centres are closed and the nights are drawing in. A diet app could give the user a personalised diet plan based on the individual and this could link to a fitness section, which recommends the user workout exercises they can carry out at home. Remaining healthy is important to help reduce the effects of the virus if infected.

Mental Health Apps

Our mental well-being is just as important as our physical well-being and it’s been a major talking point throughout the whole pandemic. People are struggling with anxiety and depression as they’re being separated from their family and friends. The reduced social contact and social distancing that many are abiding to is having detrimental effects on our mental wellness. Technology has been a lifeline throughout the COVID-19 pandemic with mobile phones and devices in many cases offering the only way of communicating with loved ones. This is why mental health apps are great for helping people relax and forget about the world around them for a short period of time. A mental well-being app could contain relaxation techniques, soothing music and motivational quotes. The demand for mental health apps will only increase during the pandemic. 

Gaming Applications

As we have more time on our hands, entertainment has never been so important for people because of the lack of social interaction with friends and family. If you develop a popular gaming app it needs to be original as there are approximately 390,000 gaming apps across all app stores. Gaming apps like Among Us have taken the young population by storm as they had over 100 million downloads. Developing gaming apps could prove to be a very shrewd move during these unprecedented times.

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Healthcare Apps

Healthcare has been the UK’s main focus throughout the pandemic, keeping the virus under control in the medical facilities. Healthcare is now being delivered in a different way. Changing procedures to reduce the contact between the public and healthcare workers. If you have a problem you can consult with your doctor through the application. You could also have a home delivery option for a prescription service, allowing the patient to remain in their home without having to travel to a pharmacy.

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Contact Appoly for Mobile App Development

If you’ve got an app idea that you’d like to discuss, or for any of our other key services, get in touch and speak to one of our expert UK based development team members.

We’re always happy to discuss new projects, whether big or small.

You can get in touch via phone, email, or by using the contact form on our contact page.