Mobile App Marketing – Get Your App to the Top of the App StoreBlog

There’s no doubting the impact that mobile apps have managed to have on the business world. In fact, some business models’ revenue streams come entirely from mobile applications.

So, mobile apps are pretty big in the business world. However,
an app for your business isn’t particularly useful unless it’s being found.

In this article, we’re going to discuss the online marketing
of your mobile applications, and what the best methods are for getting your app
found in app stores.

Alternatively, if your app is already ranking, we’ll discuss how to rank higher in the app stores.

How do App Stores Rank / Order Mobile App Ranking Positions?

Both Apple and Google (Android) refuse to release the information regarding how their App Store / Play Store ranking algorithms work.

It’s rather unsurprising that they’re not in a rush to release ranking tactics any time soon, however, with observation and a level of marketing knowledge, it isn’t hard to figure out what the main ranking factors are likely to be for the Google Play Store & Apple’s App Store.

  • Landing Page Keyword Density – For anyone remotely familiar with SEO, it shouldn’t be hard to imagine that Google and Apple would both take the keyword densities of an app’s landing page into account.

    Our advice here would be to write your app landing pages in the same fashion as you would any other SEO optimised website content, just optimise for app store specific terms!

  • Average User Rating – When all is said and done, the person Apple and Google ultimately cares about when it comes to their app marketplaces, is the end-user.

    It is only sensible then, to assume that average user rating would be looked at with high importance by the two app stores. Afterall, it is their audience telling them exactly what they do and don’t like.

    We would advise you to encourage app users within the app to leave a review, and harness any outreach campaigns by asking for app reviews.

  • Number of Ratings – Linking to the last factor, the number of ratings will also be an important variable to assess for app store ranking systems. Of course – 1,000 4-star reviews are better than 3 5-star reviews.

    Similar advice to the last point – Aim to get as much positive app feedback as possible!

  • Number of Downloads / Installs – If a lot of people have installed your app, then a lot of people must want to use your app. This is just logical; Google and Apple know this too.

    App stores and marketplaces want to show users the product that they’re most likely to purchase / install. If a lot of people have already shown interest in your app, this is a good signifier for the app stores that a lot more people may also be interested.

    This one is a bit of a catch 22, as you’re wanting to have a lot of downloads in order to gain a lot more.

  • User Retention – You want the users of your app to keep your app and use it.

    If Google or Apple see that a lot of people are downloading your app, this is great, however, if they see they’re uninstalling it soon after, it can wind up presenting the opposite message.

    You want your app users to keep your app for a long time, and use it a lot during that time, ideally.

    The best advice here is to only put out your mobile app if you are happy with the version and believe it’s ready to go live and provide a positive user experience.

Contact Appoly for Mobile App Store Marketing Services in UK

If you’re launching a mobile application or currently have a mobile app that you want to increase the rankings for, get in touch with Appoly.

Our expert team are happy to consult with you regarding your mobile app project and mobile app marketing needs.

You can get in touch via phone,
email or by filling in the contact form on our contact page.